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Grimm Entertainment

Grimm Entertainment is a distribution label from the creators of Grimmfest, the NorthWest's leading festival of horror and fantasy films. When they aren't making movies or organising events, the founders of Grimm Entertainment are securing deals to distribute some of the most exciting horror films from around the world. In order to help secure the distribution partners we often have to create posters or packaging designs to better sell the film. more times than not a film get's picked up and though it doesn't always go to market with the cover we designed we feel proud in knowing that the artwork we provided elivated the movies sellabillity.


Who: Grimm Entertainment

What: Artwork, Film Packaging, One Sheets, Documents

When: 2017

Habit Film Poster
Textless Habit film Poster Artwork
Haunted House on Kirby Road Artwork
Haunted House on Kirby Road Artwork
White Settlers Film Poster
White Settlers textless Artwork
House of 100 Eyes Cover Design
House of 100 Eyes DVD Mockup
Reel Zombies DVD cover
Reel Zombies DVD Wrap
Reel Zombies DVD Mockup
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